We’ve got a double member spotlight for March, Alyssa and Erin! While they are active in a wide range of areas, we wanted to learn more about their participation with the League of Women Voters of the Worcester Area (LWVW).
For those not familiar, the League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan grassroots organization that encourages informed and active participation in the democratic process and engagement by promoting positive solutions to public policy issues through education and advocacy. The league is passionate about protecting and expanding voting rights and to ensure everyone is represented. LWVW serves most towns in Worcester County and has been hosting virtual educational forums and supporting the recent local election debates.
Check out a snapshot of our Q&A with these local leaders below:

Name: Alyssa Mancinelli
Current job: Development & Communications Specialist, YWCA Central Massachusetts
Number of years as a YPWA member: I first became a member in 2019
Number of years as a LWVW member and current board position:
I joined the LWVW as a member in 2019 and became a board member in 2020 as the Communications Committee Chair.
How did you first get involved with LWVW?
In Spring 2019, I expressed my interest in becoming more involved in the community to my fellow staff at the YW. I was first recruited as a member and instantly joined the program committee. After a year as a member, I was asked to be the chair of the communications committee since my professional background is in marketing and fundraising. The members on the board have been amazing to work with as well as incredible mentors.
What do you feel is unique about LWVW?
Our chapter is filled with enthusiastic, compassionate and dedicated individuals. They not only care about their community but also each other. We have so many committees for members to be involved with including voter registrations and engagement, diversity & inclusion, communications, programing (events), and more. We explore topics that mean the most to our community. The work is inspiring as we try to empower our community and make sure everyone knows that their voices matter.
What are your personal goals/tasks you’d like to accomplish as a board member?
As the communications chair and program committee member, I hope to increase our public awareness via social media and community relations. Each month we have forums that cover several topics from climate change to women’s rights to local hot topics like the educational system in Worcester. My goal is to continue seeing an increase in participation in not just attendees but speakers as well. Another goal is expanding our community outreach. The more active and informed we are the more we can make a difference.
Tell us about a LWVW project/task that you are particularly excited about or proud of.
Before I joined, our digital outreach was sparse and the only way to sign up was via mail or in-person. I spent the last two years redesigning our website so it is much easier to join, participate, and donate all in one place. With the help of Erin, our social media is more active and connecting with local organizations and groups. The website is still a work in progress and I hope to be expanding our digital voter information and engagement capabilities this year.
What LWVW educational forum blew your mind in 2021?
We have had several. The Juvenile Justice Forum, which was about the school to prison pipeline, which is an issue in Worcester public schools. I found it incredibly informative and had several students and parents attend. Another one was our candidate debate forums that we do for the city council and school committee. It's a chance to hear from the candidates themselves and to ask them questions that mean most to you. They inspired me to be more active in the local elections, which I wasn't before moving to Worcester.
Tell us about the two stand out skills you’ve developed or learned since joining LWVW.
Over the last few years, I have been more fundraising focused professionally and so joining the LWVW allowed me to put on my event management and marketing hat back on. I learned a lot about leadership skills as I have been taking on more responsibilities since I first became a member. I was approached about being the chapter president and to be on the state league board. My current role is just as fulfilling as I have an opportunity to be a part of all the committees and connect with the state league.
One small action YPWA members should consider to develop their civil engagement knowledge:
Make sure you are registered to vote, know all the way you CAN vote, and follow us as we post all the updated voter information! I highly recommend checking out https://www.vote411.org/massachusetts for all the voter information! The site is run by the League of Women voters and is a one stop shop for everything you need to be an informed voter. Join us to become more engaged in democracy and make positive change.

Name: Erin Jansky
Current job: Chief Employee Experience Officer, Worcester Housing Authority
Number of years as a YPWA member: I first became a YPWA member in the 2013-2014 season. I served on the board from 2016-2018, first as Community Outreach Director, then as President.
Number of years as a LWVW member and current board position: I just recently joined the LWVW board in 2021 as a new member. I’m currently serving on the communications committee and the nominating committee.
How did you first get involved with LWVW?
In March 2021, one of the LWVW officers reached out to me after getting my name from the team at Leadership Worcester as someone who may be a good fit for the board. I participated in Leadership Worcester in 2017/2018 and have generated some priceless connections from that network. Interestingly enough, my superlative in Leadership Worcester was “most likely to have dinner with the president.” I wasn’t super familiar with LWV on a local level, but of course was aware of the national chapter. Women’s empowerment has always been a passion of mine, and with voter suppression efforts on the rise nationwide, this was an easy cause and organization for me to get behind.
What do you feel is unique about LWVW?
LWVW is a nonpartisan organization focused on encouraging civic engagement and influencing public policy through participation – whether that be by voting, by volunteering, joining boards and committees, or by running for office. LWVW does this through education and through advocacy. Knowledge is power and the more you know, the more you can effect change.
What are your personal goals/tasks you’d like to accomplish as a board member?
As a board member, I hope to elevate awareness and make sure the community hears about the fantastic forums and events that LWVW hosts. We’ve had some incredibly informative discussions with truly accomplished speakers working for our community on topics that we can all relate to and that impact all of us in some way. It’s important to hear those perspectives. Alyssa and I are working together to elevate our social media presence and hope you’ll all follow our pages, give us a like and attend an upcoming forum!
Tell us about a LWVW project/task that you are particularly excited about or proud of.
The LWVW has just signed on to be an exhibitor at the Central Mass Conference for Women, happening on May 5th at the AC Marriott. I’m a bit of a conference nerd – being surrounded by powerful, professional, smart women is so motivating, and I love learning from and being inspired by them. It’s this particular conference’s first year in Central Massachusetts and we’re thrilled to be a part of it. If you’re attending, please stop by our table and say hello!
What LWVW educational forum blew your mind in 2021?
Actually, in January, we hosted a forum called, “Towards a More Inclusive Worcester.” The discussion was led by Stephanie Williams, Chief Diversity Officer for the City of Worcester and
Rachel Shannon Brown, an attorney with Community Legal Aid. These two dynamic women talked to attendees about all of the openings on City of Worcester boards and committees, the importance of civic engagement, and how to get involved. It was a really interesting and engaging talk. I really appreciate that LWVW forums are accessible, free, brief, and a great learning experience for anyone who has a little time to spare to learn something new.
One small action YPWA members should consider to develop their civil engagement knowledge:
Vote! Did you know that only 17% of registered voters in Worcester turned out for the 2021 local election? That means that literally 20 votes could have changed the outcome. 20 votes! If you’re not sure if you’re registered, go to www.vote.org to check your status. If you need to register, head to the Massachusetts Secretary of State’s website to do so ASAP. Follow nonpartisan groups like LWVW on social media (and sign up for our newsletter) as we post all of the information we can get our hands on to keep all voters informed. If you’d like to engage with LWVW further, become a member – all are welcome!
Love an action item! Here’s two more:
Catch up on LWVW’s February forum recording: Celebrating Worcester Black History
Check out LWVW in person at the Central Mass Conference for Women on May 5th
Thank you both for all that you do for our community, and happy birthday to LWV (the organization is turning 102 this year)!